Danielle Christie was scrolling the other evening on Twitter and came across a post from her old high school about a custodian retiring. She took a closer look and saw something familiar…
Ready to get Wacky on Friday?
Get ready, because we are getting a little wacky on Friday. Ever wanted to style your hair into a volcano or a spiky hedgehog? Well, here's your chance! On Friday, June…
30 Minute Nature Challenge
Summer is Coming and the Outdoors are Calling! Those dark winter days are getting further and further behind us and we are all ready for a little sunshine and summer, am…
SanMar Canada’s Latest Movers & Shakers!
Hello Everyone – Our Mission is to grow our customers’ businesses through superior service and continuous innovation while growing opportunities for our team. SanMar Canada continues to focus on providing…
Silver Linings: Lorelei Manalang
Lorelei Manalang, Warehouse Associate (Mississauga warehouse) “My Silver Lining was definitely the new moments and more time I got to spend with my family, at times like this, when we are…
Father’s Day Video – We Need Your Help!
Father’s Day is fast approaching (June 20th) and we are looking for your help with something! We’re planning to record short and snappy videos of our colleagues celebrating their fathers…
Today on the Joyful June Calendar
How are we bringing joy to our lives today? For Day 11 of the Joyful June Calendar, eat good food that makes you happy and really savour it! Share you…
Wear your Pajamas on Friday!
Do you have wacky PJ's, funny onesies, or just downright comfy sleep sets? We want to see them! On Friday, June 11th, join the Social Committee for a day of…
Redmond Beach Cleanup Success!
On May 24th, the Redmond team, along with their friends and family, dedicated their time to clean up Golden Gardens Park in Seattle. It is a well-loved and well-used park along the shore…
Silver Linings : Shawn Taylor, Russell Anolin and Darren McCready
Shawn Taylor, Warehouse Supervisor (Mississauga) With all the time my wife and I have had to spend together, so far from loved ones, it has made our relationship stronger and…
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