Fun Pic Friday
Check out our Vancouver Pickup Counter all warm in their DRYFRAME® Fleece...
Your Attendance Management Policy has been updated!
Please see the revisions to the Attendance Management Policy via the link below... [button link="/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Attendance-Management-Program-SMC-2017-.pdf" color="darkgreen" size="small" type="" shape="square" target="_blank" title="" gradient_colors="|" gradient_hover_colors="|" accent_color="" accent_hover_color="" bevel_color="" border_width="1px" shadow="" icon="fa-file-o" icon_divider="yes"…
It’s not too late to Join Us!
If you HAVE joined the SanMar Canada’s DietBet Team then Wohoo! If you HAVEN’T, you still can! Join today : For those that have joined or would enjoy…
Understanding Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Recent statistics from the Ministry of Veterans Affairs indicate PTSD as the second leading mental health disorder within the Canadian Armed Forces, with incident rates doubling between 2002 and 2013.…
We ate, we socialized, we holiday’d!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Holiday Luncheons! Check out the pics of the day below! [foogallery id="5110"]
So many of our co-workers have been out spotting ATCSMC products all over town! Have you seen any in your travels? We’d love to see them! Send them to Danica…
Movers & Shakers – Alex Berdichevsky
Alex Berdichevsky has accepted the position of Production Planner, Purchasing Department. Phone : 778-732-0665 (ext 4665) Email :
Snow Shoveling Safety Tips
Research shows that shoveling snow is a tremendous workout, increasing heart rate and blood pressure more than exercising on a treadmill! The physical exertion can put a strain on the…
Resolve to what?
Welcome back everyone, I trust you had a lovely holiday with your family and friends, but it’s not over! It’s time to announce your resolution for the start of a…
Want to kick start your new year by losing a little weight, feeling a little fresher and getting a little more exercise! JOIN THE SANMAR CANADA DIETBET JANUARY CREW! We…
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