Purchasing was Drawing Blind, how would you do?

Could you draw a picture with just directions from one of your team members? Purchasing found out just how important communication is in their latest team building activity. They sat…

Congratulations Jacky Yang on Your 15 Year Milestone Anniversary!

On behalf of everyone at SanMar Canada, we would like to thank and congratulate you on 15 years of service. Jacky, it is such an amazing pleasure to have you…

Congratulations Gaylia Osbourne!

On behalf of everyone at SanMar Canada, we would like to thank and congratulate you on 5 years of service. Your career at SanMar Canada is an example of how…

Tuition Assistance Program

As part of our commitment to support the continuing growth of our team members, The Authentic T-Shirt Company®/SanMar Canada recognizes that ongoing learning is important to fostering an engaged workplace.…

SanMar Canada Holiday Lunch

Join us in celebrating the hard work that we all do each and every day of the year! Let’s take some time to sit down, break bread  and really enjoy…

Life Works In Your Pocket!

Life works now has a Free App, so you can take all the help and support of Life Works with you wherever life takes you. It’s Diabetes Awareness Month: Do…

Please support our annual Holiday Food Drive

GIVE HOPE. GIVE JOY. GIVE PEACE OF MIND. Help us feed our community and bring holiday joy into the lives of those who need a little extra support this year.…


So many of our co-workers have been out spotting ATCSMC products all over town! Have you seen any in your travels? We’d love to see them! Send them to Danica…

Movers & Shakers

Please welcome the following team members to SanMar Canada! Mississauga Frank Raza, Account Executive Email: frankr@sanmarcanada.com DID: (289) 2903394 Extension: 3027 Vancouver Iman Anderson, Account Executive Email: imana@sanmarcanada.com DID: (778)…

Employee Holiday Purchases! Shop Till You Drop at SanMar Canada!

[button link="/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/EmployeeHolidayDeal_2016.pdf" color="darkgreen" size="small" type="" shape="square" target="_blank" title="" gradient_colors="|" gradient_hover_colors="|" accent_color="" accent_hover_color="" bevel_color="" border_width="1px" shadow="" icon="fa-file-o" icon_divider="yes" icon_position="left" modal="" animation_type="0" animation_direction="down" animation_speed="0.1" alignment="left" class="" id=""]Download Holiday Sale Flyer/Order Form PDF[/button]…