How do you compost?
Did you know that composting enhances soil and protects watersheds! Healthy soils are essential for protecting watersheds. Compost is the best way to add organic matter-which is vital – to…
Ted Talk Tuesday – 10 Ways to have a better conversation
[fusion_text]When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have conversations — and that most of us don't converse very well.…
What does Superior Customer Service Look Like?
Part of our Mission at SanMar Canada is to provide superior customer service. But, what does outstanding, rave-about customer service look like? What does it mean to you? With this…
The Vancouver Warehouse Team had a lot to juggle recently.
The Vancouver Warehouse enjoyed another team building event last week: “Group juggling” organized by Rhonda. It was very fun and energetic. There were 3 teams, each team made up of…
Congratulations! Annette is having a baby boy!
Check out these pictures from her baby shower! [foogallery id="5306"]
It’s always better to be good to people.
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Words of Wisdom – Winston Churchill
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." ~Winston Churchill
We would like to recognize the following people…
I would like to nominate Viti & Derek for Authentic Appreciation as they dove in and assisted with a large Quality Control inspection. The QC team needed some additional hands…
One person’s trash is another person’s BLACK GOLD.
Check out this awesome list of items you may not know can go into the compost. Can you think of any other items that are not obviously-compostable? Please share below…
What if you were asked to put together a puzzle, but first you had to draw it!
The Vancouver Warehouse Team was tasked with taking a small cut piece of a puzzle, drawing it out and then coming together as a team to recreate the complete image!…
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