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Resolve to what?

Welcome back everyone, I trust you had a lovely holiday with your family and friends, but it’s not over! It’s time to announce your resolution for the start of a NEW YEAR! Feel like sharing? We’d love to hear how you plan to better yourself or the world around you. Here are some tips on how to achieve your goals!

  1. Make them achievable! Yes, you want it to be a challenge, but small achievable steps will keep you from getting discouraged. Set small goals, reach them, and then set another.
  2. Be sure you are choosing something for you! Your goal! Your will-power! Too often we set our sights on what others want for us; make sure that your goal is for you!
  3. Plan it out. Figure out the end-goal, what will it look like once achieved then write a backwards path on how to there.
  4. Out of Sight; Out of Mind. Keep that planned-out goal close. Post it at work, stick it on your bathroom mirror, or post it in your smartphone daily reminders!
  5. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you make a mistake. You can’t change habits over-night, it takes 30 days to create a habit and more to break it! If you miss-step, just pick up where you left off! There is no success without failure.

Know that your SanMar Canada family is here to support you!



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