It’s a Holiday Drive Miracle!

The holidays are officially over but that doesn’t stop the holiday miracles from rolling in! The holiday drive was a fantastic success and it is all thanks to you. You…

Holiday Luncheon and Secret Santa

The holidays are over and we are back to the grind once again- but before we go back to our hard work, take a quick few minutes to look at…

How to Renew Yourself and Get to the Next Level

Most people make the mistake of setting their goals just for what they want to have; however, they forget to include things they want to give, share, experience, and—most importantly—become.…

New Years’ Resolutions

Another year has come and gone, and now 2019 promises us a fresh start, a new set of challenges to overcome, and new goals for us to make! So I…

Please Welcome Our Newest Additions To The SanMar Canada Family!

Hello Everyone – Please help welcome Paula Silva as the newest addition to our amazing team here at SanMar Canada!  We would like to introduce our new team member by…

Back to Work Bounce Back!

All that shopping, gift wrapping, cooking and cleaning can really tire a person out. The late-night partying, afternoon wake up calls and extra freedom can also take its toll on…

Authentic Appreciation

This Week’s Recipients: Jocelyn Szobota, Gunjan Gambhir, Jenna Freschi, Sylvette Rahn, Faye Liao, Himika Rahman, Anna Predko, Inderjit Dhaliwal, Maria Victoria Flores, David Pryce, Vlad Gruia, Brandon Tersigni, Joshua Pollard,…

It’s Holiday Baking Time!

It’s that time of year again and you know what that means: Delicious treats and holiday sweets! Whether you’re going out, or staying in for the Holiday’s, impress your loved…

Safe Rides Options for the Holiday Season

The holidays are a fun time full of celebration and excitement! If you are looking for a safe way to get around to all your holiday parties, I have compiled…

Best Holiday Party Games

With all of the holiday parties, you’re bound to need at least a couple of fun Christmas party games to play! Lucky for you, this article went through the trouble…