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New Years’ Resolutions

Another year has come and gone, and now 2019 promises us a fresh start, a new set of challenges to overcome, and new goals for us to make! So I want to know how you are starting off this beautiful new year- what are your top 5 resolutions you have made to yourself? No matter how big or how small they may be, they are important and valid, helping you on your way to personal growth and worthwhile experience. Comment below what your resolutions are, and I’ll even go first! Here are my top 5 resolutions for the 2019 year:

  1. Slow down on the chips, girl. A family size bag a day will NOT keep the doctor away
  2. Actually use my gym membership that I have been paying for and haven’t touched for 3 years…
  3. Start making my own lunches for work instead of ordering Thai food every second day
  4. Try waking up an hour before heading to work instead of 10 minutes before having to leave. Sleeping in may be fun, but the rushing panic has proven to be…not so fun.
  5. Say I love you more to the important people in my life and be more invested in growing and nurturing those relationships

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