Happy 25th Anniversary – David Lim (September 23)

Dave – Congratulations on your 25th Milestone Anniversary with SanMar Canada!  How did we get so lucky to have you on our team for so long ?!? Dave, you have done…

Reminder: Family Support Box

The Opportuni-Tee Team wants to take this opportunity to remind you that our Family Support Box initiative is still active and that SanMar Canada is here to support its employees…

Business Women’s Day 2021

Today is Business Women’s Day, a day to honour and celebrate the increasing role women play in the world of business. Great strides have been taken in recent years, and…

Back To School Initiative Raises Over $5000

Over the last couple of weeks, through a number of different fundraising efforts like a silent auction, events in our three warehouses and through payroll deductions, the SanMar Canada team…

Your Guide To Voting In Monday’s Election

By the time polls open on Monday morning, it will be exactly 700 days since Canadians last voted in a federal election. Since then, residents right across Canada will be…


Our latest eagle eyed colleague who spotted SanMar Canada apparel while out and about is none other than Jenna Freschi. While exploring beautiful British Columbia, she was quick to notice…

Yom Kippur – The Holiest Jewish Holiday of the Year

Every one of the world’s primary religions has its holy days and special days of observance. Catholics celebrate Good Friday at the end of Lent, those who are Hindu celebrate…

Reminder: Back To School Discount

Most students across the country are back in school at this stage, but just because the summer holidays are officially over, it doesn’t mean our back-to-school discount is over. We’re…

Please Welcome Our Newest Addition To The SanMar Canada Family!

Hello Everyone – Please help welcome Jamal Ladipo as the newest addition to our amazing team here at SanMar Canada!  We would like to introduce our new team members by…

Richie Turner – 5 Year Anniversary (September 12th)

Richie, Congratulations on 5 years here at SanMar Canada! Your dedication to the team, commitment to accuracy and work ethic is truly second to none. You show up every single…