Water Proof VS Water Resistant!

Learn the difference and how to explain to your customers. [button link="/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Dryframe_DYK.pdf" color="darkgreen" size="small" type="" shape="square" target="_blank" title="" gradient_colors="|" gradient_hover_colors="|" accent_color="" accent_hover_color="" bevel_color="" border_width="1px" shadow="" icon="fa-file-o" icon_divider="yes" icon_position="left" modal="" animation_type="0"…


WHAT IS KOI®? Pronounced K-oy, (rhymes with toy), KOI® is a new in-house athleisure clothing brand from The Authentic T-Shirt Company®/SanMar Canada. Similar brand listings include: Alternative Apparel, Bella +…

Congratulations Danny Prete on your 5 Year Milestone Anniversary!

On behalf of everyone at SanMar Canada, we would like to thank and congratulate you on 5 years of service. You have demonstrated to be one of our most valuable…

Vanessa Olejarczyk 5 Year Milestone Anniversary – November 17, 2016

Dear Vanessa, On behalf of everyone at SanMar Canada, we would like to thank and congratulate you on 5 years of service. You approach every day with a smile and…

Diwali Celebration

What is Diwali? Diwali is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and some Buddhists to mark different historical events and stories. The actual day of Diwali is traditionally celebrated on the…


WHAT IS CANADA 150? Canada 150: The countdown is on! Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017 is an historic moment with the power to bring people and places together.…

Download Specs VS Product Details?

Some of you may have noticed that our Download Specs button has been changed to Product Details. If you still see the old button, you will need to clear your…

An important message regarding the AIR MILES® program

Dear SanMar Canada Team, Notice- Our AIR MILES® contract is drawing to a close at the end of November and while we are grateful for the opportunities AIR MILES® has…

Don’t miss your source for easy holiday gift giving. Time is running out!

Purdy’s is a great way to get some Christmas Shopping done early and help contribute to Children’s Hospital at the same time! Download the printable PDF here >    

Murder on Kenway Drive

The Mississauga Warehouse had a murder mystery to solve. The team worked together to figure out who done it, what they were wearing and which weapon was used. Here are…