Have you planned spring break for your kids yet?

Do you need help finding a way to keep your kids out of mischief and entertained this spring break? Life works can help! It can help with articles like this…

Words of Wisdom – Jim Carrey

“I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a…

We would like to recognize the following people…

I’d like to nominate Omar, Dennis & Arje from the Mississauga warehouse for some Authentic Appreciation! Last Tuesday they really helped me out. I had an appointment half way through…

Happy Leap Year!

In celebration, enjoy this fun little way to take a break! Interested in knowing why we have Leap Years? http://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2016/01/04/2016-is-a-leap-year-why- do-we-have-them/#5a03e390783b   Download Leap Year flyer HERE >    


You still have 6 days! Deadline is February 29th, 2016 Check out this Global TV Broadcast on RRSP101:10 must-know things before the deadline   If you are interested in setting…

Words of Wisdom

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." Henry Ford…

We would like to recognize Teresa Potter

I would like to authentically appreciate Teresa Potter in Purchasing. I recently needed to do a transfer, which turned into three. Not only was she helpful, she was super-efficient, and…

Be Kind

In honour of anti-bullying day and random act of kindness week, we would like to encourage you to perform a random act of kindness today! We’d love to hear what…


[fusion_text] www.wetransfer.com Ever needed to send an email and it keeps bouncing back because it’s too large?  Wetransfer.com is your free solution! Check out this helpful video on how to…

Words of Wisdom

We all need a little encouragement every now and then. Kid President, knowing this, has put together a video you can play each morning as you wake up or to…