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We would like to recognize the following people…

I’d like to nominate Omar, Dennis & Arje from the Mississauga warehouse for some Authentic Appreciation!

Last Tuesday they really helped me out. I had an appointment half way through the day & by the time I got back there weren’t any parking spots left in the front so I had to park around the back. Because it snowed the night before & continued throughout most of the day on Tuesday, we had quite a bit of snow & the back parking lot wasn’t plowed. Mind you, there wasn’t tons of snow but apparently there was enough to get me STUCK! I left work at regular time (4:30 pm) & didn’t actually leave the lot until 5:05 pm. I tried to be superwoman & try to get myself out for about 20 minutes but no luck. I went to get Omar from the warehouse to give me a push. Because I was on a hill, one push wasn’t enough. Long story short, Dennis, Arje & Omar stopped everything they were doing immediately to come & help me. After some salting & some pushing, I was finally out!!!! They are wonderful & I really do appreciate them. I felt really bad taking them away from their work but they definitely made it their priority to get me out sooner than later. Thanks for lending your hands guys!!!!! I literally couldn’t have done it without you guys!

Sincerely, Maisha


This is to appreciate Brian Jacobson and Daniele Prete for the their fast and efficient response on my emails.

To be honest whenever I send an email to shipping east everyone is fast and quick, but lately these two have really been making things super easy for myself. They are on top of it, when I am in a panic they will help me out to the best that they can. Just want to say thanks for all that you guys do and being a huge part of the team!!!

We had a huge Golden order couple of weeks ago, Brian’s follow up for the delivery was unremarkable and Danielle for always getting back to me on AIR costs.

Thanks and keep up the great work!


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