Lunch recipe: Baked, stuffed avocados with quinoa, tomatoes and feta

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We would like to recognize Nick Admin and Joti Singh

Good morning, I would like to put in an employee accommodation for Nick Admin and Joti Singh. In February I slipped and fell on the pavement and broke both of…

The LifeWorks Stop Smoking Centre

LifeWorks Stop Smoking Centre is an online program for smokers who are thinking about quitting, wanting to quit or have already quit. The tool was developed by psychologists, medical professionals…

Ted Talks Tuesday

We have all changed someone’s life — usually without even realizing it. In this funny talk, Drew Dudley calls on all of us to celebrate leadership as the everyday act…


Great Spotting Jag Chahal, Ana Taylor and Gabrielle Allard! Your co-workers have spotted some of our products around town. Can you name the products? If you spot someone sporting our…

Stay Healthy Behind The Desk    

We would like to recognize the following people…

I would like to Authentically thank Gaylia for her continued / awesome customer service and team work at the pick-up counter. She always puts the customer first and works really…

Have you logged into your Manulife Benefits Profile lately?

They have more than just coverage info. Check out this Health Risk Assessment Health Risk Assessment To be healthy means thinking beyond your medical history. It means going beyond making…