Pardeep Dewett’s 5 Year Anniversary – May 17th

Dear Pardeep, On behalf of everyone at SanMar Canada, we would like to congratulate you on 5 years of dedication and service! We would like to thank you, Pardeep, for…

A New Riddle for you! Can you figure it out?

What 7 letter word is spelled the same way front and backwards? Watch for the answer to be posted next week!

We would like to recognize the following people…

This week’s Authentic Appreciation recipients!!! I would like to nominate Jordan Schewske for the Authentic Appreciation award. On Friday, April 28th, a customer of ours badly needed an order to…

Jacky T is getting married! Check out the pictures.

Congratulations to Jacky T who is marrying the love of her life this June! Check out the pictures of the shower her co-workers through for her. [foogallery id="5923"]    

First Aid Level 2 Attendants Needed!

We are looking for volunteers, is that person you? Take the course and you will learn: emergency scene management trauma care airway obstruction removal CPR with AED procedures shock and…

Wait Time Factsheet

GET LOUD for positive mental health. GET LOUD and make a difference Getting loud means speaking out against the discrimination and the stigma often directed at those with mental illnesses.…

We would like to recognize the following people…

This week’s Authentic Appreciation recipients!!! Leilani Susi, Brian Jacobsen, Rosa Del Prado and Vanessa Olejarczyk, Mark Mazurek, Ferdie Dancel Leilani Susi was a GREAT help in organizing Jacky T’s “Bridal…

Cross Culture Mental Health and Substance Use

Our communities are culturally diverse. We know that mental health and substance use problems affect everyone, regardless of their background, culture or ethnicity, but current mental health and substance use…

Workplace Mental Health Brochure

How can I help a co-worker? Different mental illnesses have different symptoms, and people experience the same mental illness in very different ways. Some people may hide their symptoms, and…