In a Difficult Conversation? Listen More Than You Talk.

What did you take away from this article? We’d love to hear in the comment section below. When Jared walked into a meeting to discuss a new marketing approach for…

Calgary’s MS walk started a little overcast, but turned out to be a beautiful day!

Thank you to our Lone Calgary Walker Kari Surette and her adorable children! Check out Kari’s MS Walk Picture and the rest of the MS Walk Pics below: [foogallery id="6078"]…

Happy Friday Smiley People!

Friday Smiley Everyday Cotton Tees have been enjoyed for a few weeks now. Check out some of the pictures we have collected. [foogallery id="6152"]    

We would like to recognize the following people…

Check out this week’s Authentic Appreciations below. I would like to nominate the following employees for the Authentic Appreciation Award. All of the employees listed below came into work on…

Purchasing and Accounting Team Building (resend)

The Purchasing and Accounting Teams got together for some Team Building last week! They were tasked with creating the tallest structure, which could support a marshmallow, using only: a piece…

15 Ways to Increase Productivity at Work.

Every minute of your life is gold. Are you treating it that way? 15 Ways to Increase Productivity at Work. ( There are only so many hours in the day,…

Looking for a way to donate/give away your old books?

Or maybe you’re in the market for more books? We have the solution.

The 2017 Vancouver and Mississauga Multiple Sclerosis Walks were a success!

Want to know how much we raised? The 2017 Vancouver and Mississauga MS Walks were a success! And we’re so excited to see how Calgary’s walk goes, we’ll keep you…

Life Works Can Help!

Are you struggling with a personal or work issue or conflict and looking for solutions? We can help you find childcare, more effectively manage stress, work with you to reach…

Don’t waste a moment, live your best self!

[fusion_text]Check out this video that may interest you! This video is an oldie, yet, it is a fun reminder of how going above and beyond for our customers is not…