Happy 5th Anniversary – Charlotte Spearman

Charlotte – Congratulations on 5 years here at SanMar Canada! It’s hard to believe how fast the years go. We are so thankful for all of the hard work and…

Join the Crunch Crew

Join the Crunch Crew Thank you to everyone who participated in the squat challenge! It was great to see such a collection of people from different departments coming out daily…

A little Wednesday Inspiration for you.

What do you take from this quote? What does it mean to you?    

7 One-Minute Stretching Exercises to Help Reduce Back Pain

Work in an office? Back pain. Carry your child around often? Back pain. Sleeping on an old mattress? Say it with us now: Back pain! It seems like everything these…

Our Customer Service Team in Mississauga is all ATC in their team picture!

Check out our Mississauga Customer Service Team wearing all different ATC products! I love the arm letters; the Ts being my favourite the way they all together make one giant…

Authentic Appreciation

This week’s recipients: Shipping Department/Mississauga, Shanice Hall, Dorothy Kwanteng, Mary Nkansah, & Indra Roop We needed to retrieve a package from the UPS trailer which should have been shipped air…

Our Dryframe® Parka is a Winner!

Marketing Edge Magazine Awards have compared the top products of 2018 and our DRYFRAME® Dry Tech Parka came out in the top 10! Marketing Edge Magazine Awards (MEMA) Top Products…

What a fun and colourful Saint Patrick’s Day!

Check out the picture from this year’s Lucky Potluck! [foogallery id="8029"]  

Happy 5th Anniversary to Ken Penner

Ken – Congratulations on 5 years here at SanMar Canada.  We are very lucky and thankful to have you as part of the team.  Your can-do attitude with customers helps…

Happy 10th Anniversary to Melissa McKay

Dear Melissa –   On behalf of everyone here at SanMar Canada, we would like to congratulate you on 10 years of dedication and service!  Over the years you have…