Who Loves Smoothies?

I know I do! Here are 20 Super-Healthy Smoothie Recipes full of the nutrients and protein you need for the day. And they taste REALLY good!  


Danica is coming through with some great spots around B.C. In Langley, she found our Es Active full zip hooded sweatshirt (F2018) hanging out in a local bar named Sam’z, and…

Exercises to do at Your Desk!

We all know that sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is not ideal for our physical health. It’s also tough when you come home from a long…

7 Simple Ways to Spread Kindness

Generosity doesn’t have to be a big production. Here are seven simple ways you can show the people around you that you care. 1. Make someone’s day. As children, our…

50 cent Breakfast Tomorrow!

Vancouver, get your spare change out because the Social Committee will be serving breakfast for only 50 cents on August 15th! For only 2 quarters, you can get a coffee…


Brenda spotted our product while on vacation in New Brunswick! She saw our F2019, ATC Academy Full Zip Hoodie on Display at a local café called Liquid Sunshine! Great Vacation…

Authentic Appreciation

This week’s recipients: Charmaine Valdes and Maria Diego Charmaine is an amazing team player. Always jumping in to lend a hand helping with faxes/emails when needed and covering emails when…

Send Kids to School with Food and Love

It’s donating time! We want to help end childhood hunger in Canada, and we need your help. For the whole month of August, you can donate non-perishable food and/or cash…


Looks like the event staff at Willoughby Canada Day were sporting our S350, ATCTM Pro Team Short Sleeve Tees! Jenna’s spouse was working for the Canada Day weekend and he…

What does your handwriting say about you?

A very interesting Infographic reveals what personality traits your handwriting reveals about you! https://www.creativebloq.com/infographic/what-does-your-handwriting-say-about-you-7133441