Authentic Appreciation
I would like to take a moment to acknowledge Kristina Mallion, Rupy Aujla, Derek Szobota, Jocelyn, Szobota, Tammy Midttun, Helene Lazure, Charmaine Valdes & Graeme MacDougall with gratitude. These folks…
Please Welcome Our Newest Addition To The SanMar Canada Family!
Hello Everyone – Please help welcome O’Niel Morgan as the newest addition to our amazing team here at SanMar Canada! O’Niel has joined SanMar Canada as the newest Assistant Warehouse Manager…
Spring is here; Time to get outside!
We all have been cooped up in the recent months. Between staying at home because of Covid-19 guidance, and with the weather not cooperating, we have definitely spent more time…
Cynthia was scrolling through Facebook and saw this fantastic article by CTV. Great spot Cynthia! Will you be the next person to spot our SanMar Canada product? If so, e-mail your…
3 Tips to Avoid WFH Burnout
Millions around the globe have made a sudden transition to remote work amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Not surprisingly, this has some employers concerned about maintaining employee productivity. But what they…
Authentic Appreciation
Hi all, I’d like to authentically appreciate Joga Bassi on his continuous efforts, in taking company and team directions to his heart, coming up with quick solutions(a lot of times…
Thank you so much to our essential warehouse teams
Thank you so much to our essential warehouse teams for all of the extra cleaning, sanitizing, glove and mask wearing. For doing everything possible to keep ourselves, our families and…
Riddle Me This??
What is something that everyone owns, yet others use it far more than the owner?
Brain Games
Looking for some fun, and free, cognitive stimulation during these sluggish times? Here you have a few quick brain teasers to exercise your attention and your working memory–the ability to…
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