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We would like to recognize the following people…

This weeks recipients:

A BIG thanks to the QC department for all that they do, we don’t thank you enough. You are all quick with your response and you always put the customer and customer service first. Many of the customers I deal with do say they are pretty impressed how Sanmar helps them out with their crazy requests from their customers. Especially when it comes to the Ogio bags. Today, I spoke to Bob at Bad Dawg he had an older bag we carried, the terminal and he was really impressed at how we handled the situation.

Thanks again!!! I REALLY appreciate all that you do for us and the company J



I would like to nominate Anthony, Benjamin, Bob, Brian, Desroy, Dharma, Richard, Richie, Shanice & Trevor in our Mississauga warehouse for Authentic Appreciation for their work on Sunday June 18.

Our new Everyday T-Shirt is shipping out our doors just as fast as we can bring them in, and we had 4 containers arrive to Mississauga late last week and the earliest opportunity to receive these containers was Sunday. By these people giving up their Sunday to receive these goods, the sales team had all that extra inventory for sale on Monday morning and that made for some happy customers.

Thank you!



I would like to recommend Bill Cullen, Rupy Aujla and Danica Scott for an authentic appreciation. To receive an email on a Tuesday morning from our Customer at 6656 Sharky’s , telling me how great my coworkers are makes me extremely proud to work alongside of them.




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