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More Movers & Shakers!

As The Authentic T-Shirt Company®/SanMar Canada continues to strive to be every customer’s first choice in Canada, we are welcoming new additions the SanMar Canada family and we are very excited about it!

Please welcome:

Mariel Operana, Account Executive (Vancouver)
778-732-0694, Ext. 4694

Tsering Lama, Account Executive (Vancouver)
604-424-9437, Ext. 4637

Amy Greene, Account Executive (Mississauga)
289-290-3407, Ext. 3307

Ellis Mensah, Account Executive (Mississauga)
289-290-3394, Ext. 3394

In addition, we would like to welcome Albert Luk, Junior Accountant (Vancouver) and Frederick Brown, Warehouse Receiver (Vancouver).

Welcome to the SanMar Canada family!

Congratulations Paul Michalowski on your new role as Sales Support & Vendor Relations! You can continue to reach Paul at ext. 4697 or DID 778-732-0697



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