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We would like to recognize the following people…

All of us in Customer service would like to say Thanks everyone that helped us out with phone calls and orders this week. A special Thanks to Lorena, Charlotte, Teresa and Jacqueline for helping us out this week.

We truly appreciate all that you do.



I want to nominate Charles Chang and Roy Belda for an Authentic Appreciation. On Sunday Dec 11th Charles found a leak in the warehouse. He called Roy to join him to repair the leak. They worked for 5 hours to stop the leak, clean the area and check the products for any possible damage. It was a great help in terms of preventing any further damage to products as well as making the warehouse ready for the busiest Monday ever. I want to thank them for being so dedicated and valuable.



I’d like to AUTHENTICALLY APPRECIATE both Arje and Dennis J These two are more than our maintenance workers in the East, they are a breath of fresh air whenever you encounter them. They are excited, enthusiastic, positive and eager to help out whenever and wherever they can! From a simple spill, to being handy men and putting furniture together, they are productive, efficient and make our office a pleasant place to come to J The past little while they have even been in charge of cleaning the offices at night and they do a phenomenal l job! Thank you both, for all you do, it is appreciated and certainly noticed!

Danielle Christie



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