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We would like to recognize the following people…

Hello Stitch family 🙂

The Pricing Team recently presented Andre Gour with a certificate of excellence and a candle holder for his desk. (Battery operated candle :))

We truly appreciate everything he does for the company both for internal and external customers. A great Team player and co-worker


~Pricing Team


I’d like to AUTHENTICALLY APPRECIATE both Arje Baltazar and Dennis Reyes. These two are more than our maintenance workers in the East, they are a breath of fresh air whenever you encounter them. They are excited, enthusiastic, positive and eager to help out whenever and wherever they can! From a simple spill, to being handy men and putting furniture together, they are productive, efficient and make our office a pleasant place to come to. The past little while they have even been in charge of cleaning the offices at night and they do a phenomenal l job! Thank you both, for all you do, it is appreciated and certainly noticed!



The credit department (Colin Choww, Dominique Romauld, Doreen Autar, Andre Gour, Stephen Robles, Sally Gallevo) deserves to be recognized for all the hard work they put forward and always with a smile on their face. I am constantly amazed by the dedication and perseverance of this department and the way they pull together when we are shorthanded or busy and are always working together to get the job done as efficiently and effectively as possible.

I truly believe that they define the word team through their actions and attitude and could not be happier to lead that team through yet another successful quarter. Just when I think we can’t possibly do better, they blow me out of the water surpassing their targets yet again and by substantially more than expected. They truly care about the customers, the company, and each other and I could not be prouder of their performance each and every day.

Way to go credit team, I appreciate all that you do!



I would like to use authentically appreciation to thank Derrick Bottoms. I think that Derrick goes above and beyond his duties and he is so energetic that he is always all over the place helping everyone!

~Dexter Reyes



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