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We would like to recognize Mauricio Monsalve, Jocelyn Szobota, Micky Singhavara

This appreciation is Long over do. We too often take for granted the people that are there for us consistently.
Jocelyn is so helpful every day! Day in and day out. As busy as her days are, stepping in at the front counter and assisting or heading to Montreal to be with our team there. Whenever I call Jocelyn she certainly has time for me helping with whatever I need answered. Or calling a customer to help sort out whatever their concerns.

Jocelyn, I want to Authentically Appreciate you.

Bill Cullen

I would like to say a big Thank You to Mauricio!
On many occasions I have needed his help with computer issues and he has dropped whatever he was doing and come to my rescue.
Thank you for helping me. You make it so I can do my job J

Thank you,

The Pricing Team elected Micky Singhavara as our employee of the month (June) and I was fortunate enough to be in Mississauga this week so that I could personally present her with a gift while the rest of the Team conferenced in from Vancouver. We all shared our thanks for her amazing support and dedication to the company, and wished her nothing but the best in her new role.

Below is a pic of the gift we presented, an Elephant which symbolizes Strength, Loyalty, Commitment, and the Bamboo plant being a good luck charm seemed appropriate at this time given her new role.

It would be fantastic if we can post this in the next Stitch as we really want everyone to know how much we value Micky.

Pricing Team




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