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We would like to recognize the following people…

Hi Everyone,

I would like to send an authentic appreciation to Shannon for her AMAZING help during the prep for Kelly’s going away party on Friday. She was such a huge help in getting all the food ready and warmed up in time for everyone to enjoy. She didn’t stop helping until the last container of food was ready and set out on the tables. I don’t know if things could’ve gone without a hitch without the awesome help from Shannon that day.




I’d like to Authentic Appreciate John, Elsa, Randy V and Brenda for recording, translating and proofing the voice over audio/video that we’ve created for the customers recently. They volunteered to record important company messages over and over again without any hesitations. We must have gone through at least 10 recordings. Although voice acting is not their specialty, they jumped in to help and we were able to produce marketing presentations that are unique and fresh.
Randy and Brenda both helped Marketing Department with so many last minutes translations as well.

Thank you all again for helping us to meet the budget and the timeline! You really Rock!



I’d like to take the opportunity to thank Vanessa and Danica for helping out the decorations and the clean-up for Kelly’s goodbye potluck as well. They volunteered and stepped in without us even asking. It’s so great to know we have such an awesome team to work with ; that’s why working at SanMar Canada is so enjoyable every day!



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