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Is It Even Possible to Focus on Anything Right Now?

Weeks into the new reality of stay-at-home orders, remote work, and being constantly bombarded by news of how bad things can get, we’re all getting used to new ways of getting business done. For many of us, one detrimental result is that we’re struggling more than ever to find the focus we need to be productive. This means the practice of attention management is more important than ever, not just for our productivity, but for our peace of mind.

Practicing attention management is about maintaining control of where your attention goes, and recognizing when it’s being stolen, either by external distractions or internal errant thoughts, rumination, or anxiety. The more you become aware of your distractions, the easier it becomes to manage them. For most of us, distraction has become a habit, and the first step of habit change is awareness, because you can’t change a habit that you don’t realize you have.

So start by acknowledging what’s distracting you. What’s taking your attention right now? Do you have kids at home? Is it the dishes piling up in the sink? Or that news notification that just popped up on your phone? Once you can pinpoint where your attention is going, you can then take steps to redirect it. Here’s how the practice of attention management can help with three common attention-grabbers right now: your kids, your chores, and your thoughts.

Your kids

How can you practice attention management to do good work in a house full of people who need you?

If you have older children at home, you can use the same attention-management techniques I recommend for in-office work: put up a sign, close a door, or provide some other signal for when you can’t be disturbed (unless in emergencies). A nearby dry-erase board or chalkboard is helpful so kids can let you know what they need when you’re ready for a break. This “do not disturb” time works best in increments of 10-60 minutes, followed by a break where you check in with others in the house.

If you need to be a caregiver to younger children or other people who require more frequent monitoring, a different strategy is necessary. Make a task list, if you don’t already have one, and then separate your tasks into low-attention tasks (like working through communication channels or placing online orders) and high-attention tasks that require what I call “brainpower momentum” (like writing articles, analyzing data, and creating new business opportunities for this new reality).

If there is another adult in your house, work in shifts, where one is primarily responsible for the children for an hour or two while the other is uninterrupted for an hour or two, and then switch. When you are primarily responsible for the children but have brief periods when they are occupied, do your low-attention tasks. When you get a break from the kids, that’s the time to tackle the high-attention tasks. But still break them down into small steps, and get specific, so they don’t seem overwhelming. For example, instead of putting “write article” on your list, put “identify the three main points of the article.” This will make it easier to get started, which then might provide you with momentum to keep going.

If you’re the only caregiver in a home with others who need more constant supervision, adjust your expectations, and show yourself the same compassion you would show someone else in your situation. Recognizing our limitations and being adaptable will be one of the most useful tools for getting through this time.

Your chores

When you find yourself distracted not by other people but by your home environment — nagging thoughts such as, “I really should put in a load of laundry,” “I think I need a snack from the fridge,” “Isn’t it time to walk the dog?” — use these to your advantage. Physical movement, like walking the dog or emptying the dishwasher provide relief after spending time doing mostly “brain work,” like reading, writing, and collaborating with others.

Plan for these breaks and use them as a reward. For example, if you’re having trouble starting the article you need to write, decide that “as soon as I identify the three points of the article and draft the introduction, then I can take the dog for a walk.” Trying to put all personal thoughts out of your head when working from home takes up a huge amount of energy and it isn’t necessary. Instead, tie those personal tasks to important work activities so your days can be productive both personally and professionally, and you’ll end the work day feeling more refreshed and energized because you took appropriate breaks throughout the day.

Your thoughts

In addition to helping you maintain a high level of productivity, practicing attention management will also help you recognize when your thoughts start to turn darker and create anxiety. It’s easy in times like these to ruminate over what might happen. And it’s true that planning is important. But the media exaggerates negative news, so what might start out as research can soon send us into a state of anxiety and worry over “worst case scenarios.”

When you practice attention management, you may start to recognize when your anxiety is altering your perspective. A global pandemic makes it easy for us to ruminate in thoughts of despair. What will this mean for our work? For our families? For the economy? The truth is, we can never know what will happen in the future, but allowing our thoughts to land, and stay, on worst-case scenarios isn’t helpful. Instead, the combination of thoughtful planning, capitalizing on opportunities to take action, and an intentional focus on the good things that can come out of difficult situations, will help to dampen our fear and help us all maintain our optimism.

If you’ve ever considered starting a gratitude journal, now would be a great time. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just start or end (or both!) every day by writing down three good things about that day. They don’t have to be big things. Taking a walk in the middle of the work day, reconnecting with an old friend, appreciating a particular aspect of your physical well-being — calling your attention to the good things will change your perspective. Even better, we should take this opportunity to express gratitude to others more often. Behavioral scientist Francesca Gino writes, “gratitude enables us to savor positive experiences, cope with stressful circumstances, and be resilient in the face of challenges.”

Your ability to get important work done depends less on where you work and more on how you work. Attention-management techniques are as useful at home as in the office. Recognizing how and when your attention is being stolen is the first step to regaining control. Then you can be intentional about managing those distractions, using them to balance your responsibilities and facilitate positive action.

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