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It’s Time to Vote!

The logo submissions are finally in and now it’s time for you to decide which one wins the grand prize! The voting station will be located in the lunchroom, and all the logo designs will be displayed with a number so you can choose with ease. The logos you are voting on are designed by our very own talented employees across the country – so we want to give a big thank you to everyone who participated in the design process.

To vote, all you have to do is fill out the ballot with your name and logo design number you’d like to vote for, then place it in the ballot box for counting. You may only cast your vote once and this vote is for all locations to participate in.

The voting deadline is May 31st, 2019 so make sure to cast your ballot by Friday to make sure your voice is heard! Good luck to all the logo designers out there, and if you have any questions at all please ask a local social committee member.



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