Welcome back everyone, I trust you had a lovely holiday with your family and friends, but it’s not over! It’s time to announce your resolution for the start of a NEW YEAR! Feel like sharing? We’d love to hear how you plan to better yourself or the world around you. Here are some tips on how to achieve your goals!
- Make them achievable! Yes, you want it to be a challenge, but small achievable steps will keep you from getting discouraged. Set small goals, reach them, and then set another.
- Be sure you are choosing something for you! Your goal! Your will-power! Too often we set our sights on what others want for us; make sure that your goal is for you!
- Plan it out. Figure out the end-goal, what will it look like once achieved then write a backwards path on how to there.
- Out of Sight; Out of Mind. Keep that planned-out goal close. Post it at work, stick it on your bathroom mirror, or post it in your smartphone daily reminders!
- Don’t be too hard on yourself when you make a mistake. You can’t change habits over-night, it takes 30 days to create a habit and more to break it! If you miss-step, just pick up where you left off! There is no success without failure.
Know that your SanMar Canada family is here to support you!
Comments (1)
rupy aujlasays:
December 30, 2016 at 11:11 amHAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 🙂