This Weeks’ Joy: Brought to you by Jennyvieve Aguirre and Eveta Rimando

Eveta says that her greatest joy is creating art, especially painting. She also loves hiking and travelling with her family. Thanks so much for sharing, Eveta - You are truly such…

This Weeks’ Joy: Brought to you by Rosario Del Prado, Faye Liao and Nina Kayitaba

This is what Rosario had to say about her joy! "What brings me joy and happiness is making memories with our family and bonding together. The first picture is my…

Orange Shirt Day T-Shirt Design Contest

The annual Orange Shirt Day on September 30th opens the door  to create meaningful discussion about the effects of Residential Schools and the legacy they have left behind. This is…

What Is the Best Piece of Advice You’ve Ever Received?

When I was a student-athlete at UCLA, Coach John Wooden used to occasionally come and talk to our team before games. One of his most well-known mantras, and something he used…

Brain Teaser of the Week!

Quick! Count the number of times that the letter F appears in the following sentence: “Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.”…

This Weeks’ Joy: Brought to you by Rupy Aujla and Ian Scott Bowers

This week, Rupy and Ian wanted to share their joy with all of you! This is what they had to say: "You know me, so many things give me joy.…

Travel Insurance Update!

RWAM and our travel insurance provider Allianz Global Assistance are committed to supporting our valued clients as countries re-emerge from lockdowns and open their borders. After reviewing our Out-of-Canada (OOC)…

Bill Cullen – 10 Year Anniversary (August 3rd)

Bill – Ten years here as part of SanMar Canada is a wonderful milestone!  Your ability to cover four provinces, two time zones and thousands of kilometers is a feat…

Thea Condaxis – 5 Year Anniversary (August 3rd)

Thea – Congratulations on 5 years as a member of our SanMar Canada team! Thea, you have an amazing talent for product development and you are an important part of…

Helene Lazure – 10 Year Anniversary (August 2)

Helene – Where have all the years gone?  10 years is something to be celebrated, for sure  – Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Helene, your customers love you.  You have established…