30 Empowering Quotes for Women’s History Month

Who are the women in your life? Are they mothers or sisters? Daughters or friends? What about the women who inspire you? Your teachers or your coaches, your boss or…

The Best Copycat Shamrock Shake Recipe

This slurpable Shamrock Shake recipe is so easy to make at home. When this colorful dessert appears on the McDonald’s menu, you know St. Patrick’s Day is right around the…

Mindful March Calendar

Let's take the time to pause, breathe and really take in what's all around us. This month we're encouraging you to take some time to look within. Learning to be more…

Ferdinand Dancel (10 Year Anniversary) – March 4th

Ferdie – Congratulations on this 10 Year Milestone Anniversary at SanMar Canada!  How time flies! Thank you for your wonderful performance over these 10 years.  You approach every task with…

25% off Green Styles for March

When you think of the start of spring and the excitement of St. Paddy's Day, what colour comes to your mind? Count your lucky charms, because for the ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH,…

Dots & Boxes

Looking to wake your brain up this morning with a fun game of Dots & Boxes? Dots and Boxes is a Board, Puzzle and Single-player game that is pretty simple: draw…

How to Be Your Own Cheerleader

If you’ve ever heard some well-meaning but flat phrase like, “Chin up!” or “Be happy!” just know this isn’t that. Now, that being said, it’s important to know that positivity…

Opportuni-Tee Team: Union Gospel Mission

The other week, UGM (Union Gospel Mission) stopped by to pick up IRRs from our Vancouver and Calgary warehouse. Thank you so much to Union Gospel Mission for all your time and effort in…

Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day!

On Wednesday, we wear pink! Just wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day, so make sure to get your pink clothes out for the day and wear your…

Activity Challenge – Week 4 Photos

We have received so many amazing videos and pictures for the week 4 bonus of the Activity Challenge and we just had to share them with you all! Thank you…