Optimistic October

Happy first week of October everyone! Here’s the Action for Happiness Calendar for the month! October is one of my favourite months and these calendars make the month more interesting,…

Happy 5th Anniversary Qais (October 4)

Qais – Congratulations on your Milestone Anniversary at The Authentic T-Shirt Company®/SanMar Canada! Five years is a big deal! As the youngest member of our SanMar Canada credit team, your…

Happy 5th Anniversary Graeme (October 2)

Graeme, Wow, five years already! While you’re not quite ‘furniture’ yet - as you like to say; you have certainly made an impact in your career with The Authentic T-Shirt…

Happy 5th Anniversary – Selvanilani (October 2)

Nilani – Congratulations on your 5th-year milestone at The Authentic T-Shirt Company®/SanMar Canada! Sweet, sweet, Nilani! You give 100% each day, and it’s so appreciated. Regardless of how busy things…

Happy 15th Anniversary Fely (October 1)

Fely - You are our picklist control queen! Congratulations on your 15-year milestone at The Authentic T-Shirt Company®/SanMar Canada! Over the past 15 years, you have worn several different hats,…


From west coast to east coast, our great products continue to get spotted everywhere! Brenda spied these beauties during her vacation in New Brunswick! I’ve never had the ‘Bangkok Food Truck’,…

Favourite fall activity!

Fall is upon us and that means all the fun stuff that comes along with it is upon us as well! But which is the best? Vote in the poll…

Office Bowling

Some folks in the Vancouver office got together for some friendly office bowling a few weeks ago! It was the perfect way to see some co-workers in person instead of…

A little Friday humour to end the week!

Be it a cubicle, cellphone or in a purse/wallet, we all know a coworker like this, right? :P Have a great weekend everyone!

First Day of Fall

Happy first day of Fall ATCSMC family! Also known as the autumnal equinox, this day marks the start of the fall season, it also unfortunately means that the days will…