Welcome Kelly Ke to the SanMar Canada Team!

Hello Everyone – Please welcome Kelly as the newest addition to SanMar Canada and the Branding team! Kelly has accepted the position of Layout Designer, based out of Vancouver, B.C.,…

Movers & Shakers

Our Mission is to grow our customers’ businesses through superior service and continuous innovation while growing opportunities for our team. SanMar Canada continues to focus on providing new opportunities to…


Have you spotted our products around town? Take a pic and send it to danicas@sanmarcanada.com. Check out what Gunjan spotted this week! Can you name the product?

No complicated customer service techniques, just a desire to help a customer.

When a teenager preparing for his first job interview walked into Target for a tie, he probably never thought he would be part of a viral customer service story! A shopper…

Please Welcome Duncan Gallacher to the SanMar Canada Team!

Good Morning Everyone – We are excited to announce and welcome Duncan Gallacher to the SanMar Canada team! He is joining us as Vancouver’s Warehouse Manager starting today, August 24th.…

Select Callaway Styles Now Stocked in Vancouver!

Callaway sales are growing every day! As a result the Opti-Vent Polos and the Core Performance Polos are now being stocked in Vancouver!

How to Design Meetings Your Team Will Want to Attend.

There’s a lot of advice out there about how to make meetings more efficient and productive. And while it’s true that leading focused, deliberate conversations is critical to organizational performance,…

How to Stay Relaxed and Refreshed After Your Vacation Has Ended

Staying Relaxed and Refreshed After Your Vacation Has Ended You know the wonderful way you feel after a great vacation? You feel rested, relaxed, more resilient and better able to…

Pictures from Root Beer Float Day!

We hope you enjoyed Root Beer Float Day! Check out the pictures here:   [foogallery id="6635"] Do you have ideas for a fun social event? We’d love to hear about…