Employee Holiday Purchases! Shop Till You Drop at SanMar Canada!

[button link="/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Holiday-Staff-Discount-OrderForm_20171.jpg" color="darkgreen" size="small" type="" shape="square" target="_blank" title="" gradient_colors="|" gradient_hover_colors="|" accent_color="" accent_hover_color="" bevel_color="" border_width="1px" shadow="" icon="fa-file-o" icon_divider="yes" icon_position="left" modal="" animation_type="0" animation_direction="down" animation_speed="0.1" alignment="left" class="" id=""]Download Holiday Order Form PDF[/button]

Ten Tips for Fitting Work and Life Together

Remember that work-life fit is unique for each of us "Simply put, there is no work-life balance or perfect 50-50 split between your work and your personal life," Yost says.…

Better than Employee Pricing!

The pricing team has done it again! They have discounted an item so low that it’s even on special for Employees!  

Authentic Appreciation

This week’s recipients: Jennifer Lashley, Joti Singh, Tissa J. & Mary N   Helping me in customer pick-up while Nicola was away; she’s a good team player, keep up the…

We’re wrapping the gifts this year!

We are doing the wrapping again this year! Here’s how it works: Buy a Gift Bring that Gift to reception Pay your donation and fill out the receipt Collect your…

What’s the deal with Hat Backs?

We’ve heard that some of your customers find fitted caps daunting when it comes to ensuring the right fit, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Fitted caps are…

Who was Team Building this week?

Sales Support, Merchandising, Sourcing/Development, Purchasing and Vendor Relations all joined together to attempt the building of a BIG Structure using only the resources provided in just 15 minutes! The structure…

Secret Santa is back for another year of giving fun!

Secret Santa is back and it’s easy! 1) Sign-up in the lunch room by November 28th 2) On Dec 1st you will draw a name by random 3) Buy a…

How to Stay Focused If You’re Assigned to Multiple Projects at Once

  Few people today have the luxury of working on a single project at a time; most of us are juggling the demands of many teams at once. In theory,…