Authentic Appreciation
This week’s recipient: Shanice Hall I would like to Shanice Hall on stepping up to own the 3PL shipment that went out on May 17th. Most of the leadership team…
Rainbow Spring Rolls Recipe
For lunch, dinner, or even as a light snack, Rainbow Spring Rolls are always a welcome addition at any table. Especially as the days get longer and the weather gets…
We Gave our Bottle Drive Best!
Vancouver and Calgary had fantastic success with the past week’s Bottle Drive, and we just wanted to give a huge thank you for donating your unwanted empties to support the…
T-Shirt Logo Design Contest
We have an exciting contest ahead for you all, so it’s time to get those creative juices flowing once again! We want you to design the next logo centered on…
Authentic Appreciation
This weeks’ recipients: Deidre-Ann Slowley, Malek, Maria Zygmanska and Tissa Arachchige I would like to give Kudos to Deidre-Ann, Malek, Maria Z and Tissa for doing an awesome job on the…
Jacqueline has a fantastic spot to share and this is what she had to say! “Guess what – Brandon went to his first spring soccer yesterday and I was so…
Answer 3 Questions to Identify Your Strengths
How do you identify your greatest assets, your deepest reserves of strength? Ask yourself these specific questions in the article here: You might just be surprised with what your…
Cinco De Mayo Potluck
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Cinco De Mayo Potluck! It was so great to see all the delicious fiesta treats you’ve brought to share, and we even…
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