This week’s recipients: Jocelyn Szobota, Charles Chang, Paul Michalowski, Ana Taylor, Tess Bernal, Joti Singh, Maria Zygmanska, Laxmi Pradhan, Barbara Glasek, Jacqueline Kho
I would like to thank Jocelyn Szobota for all her support. No matter what I ask of her, Jocelyn’s response is to negotiate and solve the issue for our customers. I have never had a response such as I am too busy or I have a lot to get done. Jocelyn continually makes my day brighter working with her. I thank you for your great customer service to ME.
~ Charlotte
I would like to send out an authentic appreciation and THANK YOU to Charles, Paul, Ana T, Tess and Joti for helping out at the BBQ. Charles you are a BBQ master and your grill skills made all the burgers and smokies taste so yum. Paul, Ana, Tess and Joti, your help with prep, washing dishes, cleanup etc… was truly appreciated. Thank you so much.
~ Jag Chahal
I would like to nominate Maria, Laxmi, and Barbara for going over and beyond for a fellow co-worker. An employee was having car issues and even though we all locked up the warehouse at 9:30pm, all the ladies stayed until 10:00pm to assist with eventually transporting the worker home.
~ Deidre-Ann Slowley
I am nominating Jacqueline Kho for an Authentic Appreciation. Jacqueline always goes above and beyond in everything she does. There are many times that I have to call Jacqueline at the last minute for assistance with a project or a question. She is my arms and legs to get things accomplished in the Vancouver office. I love her team approach and her can-do attitude. I don’t know what I would do without her.
~ Jill Bickel
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