The SanMar Canada Social Committee is introducing something new this week: A Positivity Board.
Even on the best of days, we have moments where we could use a little boost or a simple affirmation from others. Our Positivity Board gives all of us an opportunity to reach out and encourage our co-workers; thank them, tell them that they’re doing a great job or just wish them a great day.
Teams will be given post notes to write positive words of affirmation and encouragement. The idea is that others can then take one from the board when they are feeling discouraged, frustrated, stressed, etc. You can also give one of the notes to someone else to help to inspire them. We will have pens and post notes available to add more notes to the board, so let’s try to keep it going.
Remember that we all have the ability to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. Let’s make this happen at SanMar Canada. What will your first words of encouragement be?
Comments (1)
Lorena Gordonsays:
March 6, 2018 at 1:05 pmMistakes just mean you’re trying!