This week’s recipients: Mindi Reynolds, Elnory Reyes, Harp Chahal and Jag Chahal
Amanda and I would like to Authentically Appreciate Mindi Reynolds for inspiring the Vancouver Office to get more fit. She encourages us to drink water, talks about healthy eating and is now leading us in a squat challenge that is not only helping to give us all “Buns of Steel” but is creating a really fun, volunteer team building exercise! Thank you Mindi and keep it up!
~ Danica and Amanda
Last Wednesday, Feb 14th, one of the new hires got a pick order slip with more than 20 lines. It was almost the end of her shift and she couldn’t finish the order. Elnory offered her help to finish the lines without taking any credit transferred to her.
Elnory went above and beyond to help a co-worker and completed the customer’s order!
~ Marjorie Knell
I would like to authentic appreciate Harp and Jag for spending a lot of their time preparing those yummy 130 cupcakes for dry grad fundraising. I know Harp baked them all by herself the night before and it was a lot of batches she had to make!! Their hands were all covered in icing and it was a lot of work to do all these and they did it because they both have BIG hearts.
Thank you for all the time and effort (plus lots of love) for these Valentine’s Day cupcakes =)
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