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We would like to recognize the following people…

This week’s recipients: Tung Huynh, Anne Pancras and Randy Mahoney.

I would like to nominate Tung Huynh and Anne Pancras for the Authentic Appreciation award.

Through the entire month of May, both Anne and Tung did not make a single error while processing!

This feat is amazing!

Way to go both Anne and Tung!

Thank you for your efforts!



I would like to nominate Randy Mahoney.

Today, (June 12, 2017) we had a customer come in to pick up their order but UPS delivered it to the wrong address. It was only a few buildings up the street, so Randy took time out of his very busy day and drove over to pick up the box that was missing as the customer had aired this from VAN and needed this ASAP. The customer was very happy that he did this for him. I would like to say thank you to Randy for going out of his way to make sure this customer got what he need.


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