This week’s recipients: Colin Choww, Denise Danicek, Vanessa Beaulieu
We’re all so busy at SMC that sometimes it’s easy to forget how important it is that we remain connected to our co-workers. Colin always takes the time to say hello when he sees anyone, and makes it a point to ask about your week. His inquiries aren’t just platitudes. He takes a genuine interest in his colleagues and brings treats in for everyone on a regular basis. His natural friendliness gives one a much-needed pause, as we get so wrapped in what we’re doing that we can sometimes forget how important it is to look at each other not only as team members but also individuals.
Denise has been our “lunch lady” for months now, making the effort to organize take-out for those of us in the upstairs offices every week! This simple gesture has helped many of us get through particularly hectic days when it felt like eating wasn’t going to be an option. Denise pulls this off despite often being swamped with work herself. Nothing beats a hot meal when you’re being crushed with deadlines!
I feel both Colin and Denise deserve recognition and appreciation for these things that they do for the rest of us, without ever asking for anything in return.
– John Frazer
I would like to thank our social committee for the great job that was done putting on our potluck on Friday July 8th.
Vanessa spearheaded this project and from encouraging managers and staff to participate, setting up the food and then leading the way cleaning up.
This was so appreciated and the food was awesome , I thank everyone who brought in all the goodies.
Again, a special thank you to Vanessa.
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