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We would like to recognize the following people…

I would like to Authentically thank Gaylia for her continued / awesome customer service and team work at the pick-up counter. She always puts the customer first and works really hard to ensure they get the best service ever!

This week was crazy with Danielle off for a couple of days, and me working with her, but she stepped up! I had to step away here and there and she was flexible with her schedule so we could ensure the customers were helped & happy.

Yeah Gaylia!


Jocelyn Szobota


I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while for this individual, it’s well deserved and I hope people don’t think I’m biased based on what she means to me outside this office. Jocelyn Szobota deserves so much praise for what she means to this office and SanMar Canada has a whole. She is so easy to talk to about any issue and addresses the problem if any action is required. She’s always jumping in to help our team out, she’s currently taking phone calls in mornings to help us out for that morning rush of calls and on those really crazy days, helps us enter orders if we’re getting too overwhelmed. In the past she’s even delivered orders to our customers if a mistake has taken place and the customer needs the product sooner, rather than later. With this assistance she gives us, it sometimes puts her behind on her regular duties and I see her working at home or she stays a little later in the office to get caught up. These are the signs of a great manager in my eyes and believe she deserves to be recognized. Keep up the fantastic work Jocelyn!


Derek Szobota


I would like to Authentically thank Jessica for all her help this week! We would have been lost without her! It was a CRAZY few days and she really stepped up to help the team at the pick-up counter which allowed us to continue to offer our customers the BEST service ever!

Thank-you Jessica!! You are appreciated!

Jocelyn Szobota


I would like to nominate Inderjit Dhaliwal for our authentic appreciation award. On Thursday May 19th, we had an order that desperately needed to be in Orillia by Thursday evening. We needed a volunteer to help deliver the order as our local carrier could not guarantee delivery. Orillia is about a 1.5 hour drive from Mississauga.

Inderjit took the package and delivered it to the customer in time for the customer to meet their own deadline.

Such actions by an employee are greatly appreciated as it helps our customers continue to grow their businesses.


Ian Bowers


The Pricing Team recently elected our very own Vanessa Beaulieu as our employee of the month. She continues to grow in her role as Pricing Co-coordinator and has worked very hard to support her fellow team members within the company. We are also thankful for her commitment to the volunteer role within the social committee.

Thank you!




Comments (1)

  • Alex Kahngsays:

    June 6, 2016 at 10:09 am

    Amazing work by all and congratulations to all the nominators and nominees. As we strive to be a workplace that emphasizes teamwork, integrity, excellence, and service among many other things, it is important that we continue to encourage and recognize the extraordinary efforts by our team members. Well done!!

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