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We would like to recognize Maisha Browne

I would like to recognize Maisha Browne, she is our rover here in the East. Her main job is new accounts and she does an awesome job qualifying and setting these accounts up for us (I’m always surprised how many come in daily!). As well she does an amazing job keeping the showroom looking great!

When any of us are away she’s our cover, whether it’s covering our emails/orders or filling in at the pick-up counter she’s there to help us out. When I return from a vacation I know my customers have been in good hands during my absence. Keep up the fantastic work Maisha!!

Sincerely, Derek Szobota



Comments (2)

  • donna mccoosays:

    May 13, 2016 at 8:23 am

    I definitely have to agree with that! Not the easiest job, for sure.

    I am also impressed with the fact that we have so many new customers appying for accounts daily!
    This only means great things for the company. I always believed we were the top “GO TO” in this industry!

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