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Tell us about your BEST customer service experience

The very foundation what we are as a business is our outstanding customer service. We take pride in our laser-sharp focus of what will drive our company forward – the customers and the customer service that we are able to provide.

Share your favourite customer service moment in the comments section so we can draw focus around what sets The Authentic T-Shirt Company/SanMar Canada apart from the competition!



Comments (3)

  • Charlotte Spearmansays:

    August 27, 2015 at 6:42 am

    I went into a Telus store since I was having problems with my Iphone and thought it was connected to my service provider.
    Grant explained to me that it as an Apple issue. He picked up the phone, called the local Apple store, explained the issue and
    then set up an appointment for me right there and then. I was totally impressed that he would give me this type of customer
    service that I contacted Telus and thanked them for his actions. Grant could have easily said it was an Apple issue and brushed me off, which I would have expected due to the line up of folks in the store.

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